You can find scrap metals lying around in a lot of homes, especially from old appliances, such as fridges, cookers, and computers. If you have an old vehicle that does not run, you can strip it for parts and turn the junk into cash. Besides, recycling scrap metal is a responsible way of disposing of waste while making money on the side. Before trading scrap metal for cash, you should stay abreast of current prices because supply and demand cause fluctuating rates. Here is what beginners should bear in mind when recycling scrap metal. 

Types of Scrap Metal 

Metal can be categorised as ferrous and non-ferrous. Ferrous metals stick to a magnet and include wrought iron, cast iron and steel. Conversely, non-ferrous metals, such as copper, aluminium, brass and bronze, do not stick to a magnet. It is advisable to separate ferrous metals from non-ferrous metals before collection. If you are unsure which type of metal is accepted, consult your preferred scrap metal dealer, who can visit your home and identify suitable metal for recycling. 

Valuable Metal 

Any scrap metal dealer worth their salt understands that less abundant and valuable metals, such as brass and copper, offer the best value for money. Therefore, homeowners should prioritise such metals, including old copper wires, which fetch reasonable prices compared to common metals like iron and steel. Also, you should familiarise yourself with the different metal grading systems that scrap metal dealers use. The scrap metal available in your home probably falls in different grades based on factors such as purity and whether or not the metal will be treated to return it to a usable state. Understanding grading systems and the average value of different scrap metals can give you an upper hand when negotiating for fair and competitive prices.

Reputable Metal Scrapyards 

Remember that scrap metal dealers are different when offering clients reasonable prices. Therefore, you should work with reputable scrap metal dealers who have years of experience in recycling metal. Whether you are delivering scrap metal or a dealer prefers to collect it, the amount you are paid should not differ significantly. Most reputable dealers do not charge transport or collection fees if you live within a certain radius of a scrapyard. Just because you are disposing of junk metal, doesn't mean that you should be paid peanuts. In this sense, do market research and choose scrap metal dealers who offer competitive cash prices. 

Contact a company like ADL Metal Pty Ltd to learn more about scrap metal.
